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Green Orchard


A SoilScopes consultant works alongside the team to implement new procedures and test results real time on site.

Soil testing is the key to understanding how to manage the land and what practices need to be implemented. There is no one size fits all approach that can work every time. This service is focused on having a consultant work with the farmer to implement biological farming on-site. This is a package that gives access to the full range of services provided by SoilScopes on the farm. A consultant will take the farmer through the entire process of making a transition to biologically driven farming. 


The first step is to conduct extensive soil testing on the land to map the microbial community across the growing space. This is a vital step to getting the baseline value of the soil health. The soil samples are assessed on your farm through our Microbial Biomass Assessment and that data is used to generate a report on your soil biology. Using this report will allow our team to develop management protocols made to suit your needs. 


Developing a living soil system takes time and some key practices must be changed. Moving into a regenerative farming model is a mindset change and we assess all practices to determine if they will slow the development of the soil microbial community. The management protocols are designed to meet the demands of your land and will focus on the health of your soils. Putting the microbes to work on your land to create natural fertility means less labour and lower input costs.


Having a SoilScopes consultant on the land to test soils, go through operating procedures and meet the team running the operation means you are getting the best advice for your operation and soil management. This will take the course over a couple of days where all assessments and questionnaires are filled out on-site. You will receive results back in real time and have the consultant for an in-person discussion on your soil biology.


Once the baseline microbial assessment is done the team will receive a recommendations report which will outline the steps needed to convert the operation to biologically driven farming. These recommendations are based on the context of the farm which include the baseline microbial report and the results from the questionnaires conducted with the farm team. These recommendations are aimed at giving the team a realistic look at how they can implement high-value and productive Regenerative farming.


These are something you can expect to find under recommendations;


- Equipment needs or adaptations of current equipment needed to use Regenerative farming.

- Monthly feeding schedule based on Soil Inoculations and organic fertilisation.

- Costing of inputs required and list of available sources for needed equipment.

- Timeline of procedures in terms of crop rotations with cash crops, cover crops and animal grazing.

- Ways to manage farm organic waste and create soil-building procedures for it.

- Any other issues the farm faces from contaminated soils to erosion reduction. Suited to their context.


We have a number of specialised consultants to offer you the widest range of services to meet all the needs of your farm conversion. With access to a team of committed consultants, you can be assured that the best solution will be developed for your unique context.


With a consultant on the land you have access to:


- Live soil microscopy work

- Assessment of the biological health of your soil

- Designing new operating procedures based on soil health

- Compost-making guidance and buildout

- Worm farm design and buildout

- Environmental impact assessment

- Permaculture design to create zones and water capture areas

- Creating Natural Farming Bio-stimulates or organic ways to manage pests or diseases 

- Mycological Inoculations for edible mushrooms or contamination suppression.

- Plus many more services tailored to your needs.


Contact us to arrange a free consultation call to see what SoilScopes can offer you.


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