"At SoilScopes, we are looking to the future of agriculture and soil health is at the centre of that."
Bringing modern agricultural practices into South Africa means that new tools are now available to help you return fertility to your soil. Restore your soil's ability to grow productively without the reliance on synthetics, contact us to learn more about what your soil can do for you.

A biologically driven soil solution to meet the needs of modern agriculture. Bringing the power of the microbial world to the forefront of your farming needs with insights into living soil management. Using the advantages of new microscope assessment tools and understandings the relationship between microbes, plants and a successful yield. These methods are based on the teachings of pioneering soil scientist Dr Elaine Ingham who developed our understanding of the Soil Food Web. Using the microscope to assess soil biology gives us a way of understanding what is really driving the success or failure of our crops. Through training to use a microscope, identifying soil micro-organisms, their relationships with the plants and the application of that for farmers, SoilScopes offers consultation services based on understanding your soils.
If you are a farmer, compost producer, landscaper or gardener who has an interest in soil health this is the solution you have been looking for. SoilScopes was started to give people access to understanding the role of the microorganisms in their soil along with testing their soil's microbial numbers. If you are interested in better understanding your soil and how you can harness the benefits that microorganisms can offer, SoilScopes is your solution.